Are you concerned about bars creeping up Brick Lane? Do you want to keep the area we live in, a residential area? Then read further.
A full planning application has been submitted to the Tower Hamlets Planning Service for a change of use to a LOUNGE BAR. The proposed bar would be located on the corner of Brick Lane and Padbury Court and includes opening hours until midnight and music to be played.
To view the application go to Tower Hamlets website online planning register - application number PA/07/00948.
The residents association has drafted a letter in opposition to this proposal (see below) and is currently collecting signatures to go with this letter to be submitted to the planning department. The residents association is against the introduction of any night time entertainment or venues to the North Brick Lane residential area.
What you can do if you want to object?
- To sign the petition contact 0777 573 3236
- Post your objections online. Go to the Tower Hamlets website online planning register - application number PA/07/00948, scroll to the bottom of the site and click on 'make a general comment'
- Send your objection letter to Allie Moore, Tower Hamlets Planning, Mulberry Place (AH), PO Box 55739, 5 Clove Crescent, London E14 1BY
Please note that the deadline for objections is MAY 01 - so if you do want to object it is really important that your respond before this date.
12 April 2007
Re: Planning application PA/07/00948
240 Brick Lane, London, E2 7EB
Change of use from Sun Tan parlour
(Sui generis) to a Cocktail Lounge (Class A4)
Dear Allie Moore,
As the North Brick Lane Residents Association we would like to lodge our objection to the proposed change of use of business premises at 240 Brick Lane. Our primary reason for objection to the proposal is because the immediate and surrounding area is predominately residential, with no local precedent for night time entertainment. In addition to the inappropriate situation in a residential quarter we have strong concerns about the following;-
1. The potential anti-social behaviour associated with such businesses and the fact that the local police do not have enough resources to manage such an extension of the Brick Lane pub/bar culture.
2. The bar is so small, with the arrival of the non-smoking law, people will (whatever the applicant promises) be drinking and smoking outside in the street all hours and all year round. We also foresee a strong likelihood of drinking /smoking overspill on the Rhoda Street Green space opposite during the summer months.
3. People coming and going into the early hours, in these quiet residential streets.
4. Unnecessary and invasive noise - boisterous drinkers and loud music generated by the bar. (The applicant promises soft music but who will police this?)
5. Delivery vehicles, creating extra noise and traffic in a road that has double-yellow lines on both sides of the narrow lane.
6. Waste collection in this area is poor and irregular. We only foresee an increase in waste and in particular smelly food and drinks waste. Noisy bottle/glass collection.
Above all we are concerned that the change of use category would make it make it much easier for 240 Brick Lane to quickly become a full blown restaurant or other such establishment - setting a new and unwelcome precedent for this isolated group of shop fronts. The change of use offers no distinction between the (proposed) cocktail bar or any other kind of pub or bar. We are also concerned that plans for the basement floor are included in the change of use application. If no clarification on the basements usage is made it would mean that what is currently proposed as a small bar for 30 people, would easily and quickly become a much bigger bar in the basement of the building.
Furthermore this business is not in keeping with the others that currently exist in this part of Brick Lane, these are predominately craft based shops and offices. We feel that the bars and restaurants should be kept to the designated tourism-leisure area of Brick Lane (south of Bethnal Green Road) which is a less residential area. In the recent Tower Hamlets local development framework( 2006) this area of Weavers (Northern Brick Lane), is designated as predominately residential, and the development framework covers the area for the next 10-15 years.
We would also like to draw your attention to the fact that the proposed pub/bar will be adjacent to residential homes for elderly and retired people.
Please find attached a petition signed by residents in the area around the proposed bar, expressing their wishes to have the change of use turned down.
To sum up, we urge you please not to allow such a change of use in a historically quiet and predominantly residential area. It will not be a welcome addition or improvement to the area. Thank you for your time and careful consideration of this matter.
Chair, North Brick Lane Residents Association