Friday, April 21, 2006


Following the recent agreement from the council, we have made a lively start to setting up a community garden at the former One O'clock Club in Shacklewell Street (E2). Work began last Saturday (13/5/06), with a clearing-up day that resulted in over 60 bags of garden and other rubbish being collected.

Big thank you to all who helped clearing up the community garden.

In addition to the tidying up, passers-by were asked to comment on what they would like so see happening in the garden space.

We believe that this area will really benefit from having this community garden. Whether you are young or old the chance to grow flowers, vegetables or fruit can be really exciting. This could be a really important resource in an area that is very densely populated and where very few people have gardens of their own.

To find out more about the community garden or to join the North Brick Lane Residents' Association call 0777 573 3236.

Read more about the proposal below.

We have proposed to the Council that the neighbourhood’s residents manage the One O’Clock Club house and immediate surrounding garden area (Shacklewell Street) for the sole use of creating a community garden. We (local volunteers) will maintain the community garden and incorporate all necessary health and safety regulations as required by the council.

Why a garden? Who is it for?
1. The area has been neglected for the last 2 years and consequently suffers from litter build-up, graffiti, urinating, trespass and general neglect. As the gate was previously left unlocked it is of some concern that arson is a likely prospect. We believe the street and general area would greatly benefit from a community garden. It will help to make the area safer, cleaner and healthier.
2. The garden will aim to bring local people together of all ages, including the elderly, the young and parents with small children. In addition the community garden could hold educational workshops, children’s programmes and community-building events.
3. A garden is of particular importance in a very densely populated area with a majority of dwellings with no outside space of their own and which lacks well-maintained public green and open spaces.